Imam gave great importance to listening to the news.
A memoir by Hujjatal Islam Ashtiyani
ID: 80313
Date: 2024/06/03
Every night, Imam would pray Namaz-e-Shab and would usually wake up an hour before Azaan to pray. If time remained before Azaan, he would read newspapers and would listen to overseas radio broadcasts.
Imam gave great importance to listening to the news. He wanted to know what other countries where thinking about Iran. Even when the Imam was in hospital, the radio was always by his side and he would listen to the news.
The Quran and the Mafaati were also always by his side. Even in the hospital until his last day, the Quran and the Mafaati were by his bedside and he would recite them as per his usual routine.
People saw from television pictures that right until Imam was put on a drip, he would say his prayers with sincerity and presence of heart.
One of Imam's relatives narrates: "Once just before the time of Fajr prayers, I entered the Imam's room in the hospital. I found him in an unusual state. He had been crying so much that his whole face was wet with tears. Such was Imam whispering and supplicating to God that it left a profound impression on me.
(A memoir by Hujjatal Islam Ashtiyani)