Imam Khomeini never advertising or any appreciative remarks for promotion of his religious position.

ID: 80477 | Date: 2024/06/24

It is widely reported that Imam never liked advertising or appreciative remarks for himself. He never allowed the public fund to be used for publication of his works and books. Imam used to delete remarks by scholars who appreciated Imam’s theological capabilities. One of the historic letter mentions this reality as following: 




Date: February 28, 1971 [Esfand 9, 1349 AHS / Muharram 2, 1391 AH]

Place: NajafIraq

Subject: Emphasis on refraining from carrying out propaganda in his favor

Addressee: Sayyid Ahmad Khomeinī


                                             In His Most Exalted Name

My dear Ahmad,

Your letter arrived. In a previous letter I inquired if Mr. Lavāsānī has given funds along the way. He answered, “So far, such a thing has not happened and that I have never given any funds to him, and did not and will not interfere in these affairs. However, there are seditious individuals doing mischief.” I, myself, guessed that it was baseless. An information received from Qum is that Mr. Rabānī and you are planning to give extra monthly stipends for a hundred people with the purpose of increasing the coming and going at the house. I am very surprised at you in that you still do not know me! I never desire to commit such inhumane acts nor do I desire you to commit them. In these affairs never act without referring to me although it is possible that this news is like most of the others. In any case inform me and keep this way of thinking away from you. Give my greetings to His Eminence Hujjat al-Islām wal Muslimīn your honorable uncle. I am worried about him. I fear that this going and coming at the house may cause uneasiness for his health and will not permit him to rest in Qum. Convey my greetings to you respected wife. May you be both fine and prosperous by the will of God, the Exalted. Peace [be with you].


                                                                    Your father

                                                                    Muharram 2, 1391 AH

Sahifeh-ye-Imam, Vol.2, page 346