Conference of "Imam Khomeini, the Palestine and the Middle East"

Conference of "Imam Khomeini, the Palestine and the Middle East"

Place of Conference: Tehran, the Freedom hotel's hall of the conferences Time of Conference: Khordad 13th 1384AHS Administrator: The foreign headquarters of the commemoration ceremonies of Imam khomeini Secretary of the Conference: Dr. Mohammad Moghadam (the head of the foreign headquarters of the commemoration ceremonies regarding Imam Khomeini, the deputy to the foreign affairs of the institute for the ordering and the publishing of Imam Khomeini’s works) Inaugural speaker: Ayatollah Seyyed Hasan Khomeini (the custodian of Imam Khomeini’s shrine and the institute for the ordering and the publishing of Imam Khomeini's works) The closing speaker: Mrs. Dr. Mostafavee, the secretary of the international union of the non-governmental organizations regarding the defense of the Palestine

Friday, November 20, 2020 09:20

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Imam Khomeini revived the true religion of the Islam

Imam Khomeini revived the true religion of the Islam

Zeynab Elnaz Beygom– a professor of the Persian literature of the Osmanieh University of India

Sunday, November 15, 2020 10:15

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FM Zarif advises US president-elect to abandon Trump’s `disastrous lawless bullying`

FM Zarif advises US president-elect to abandon Trump’s 'disastrous lawless bullying'

ran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has reacted to the result of the latest presidential vote in the United States and the election of Joe Biden as the 46th US president, advising the new administration to give up its predecessor’s “disastrous lawless bullying.”

Sunday, November 08, 2020 04:04

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Iranians mark 40st anniversary of US embassy takeover

Iranians mark 40st anniversary of US embassy takeover

This yea's anniversary of the US embassy takeover is being held in form of virtual and online ceremonies due to coronavirus pandemic. The gatherings are going to be held livelier as the Iranian public opinion has become more aware of the US’s unending animosity towards Iran.

Tuesday, November 03, 2020 04:31

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World Muslims mark the birth anniversary of the holy Prophet, unity week

World Muslims mark the birth anniversary of the holy Prophet, unity week

Iranians and Muslims elsewhere across various parts of the world mark the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with celebrations and special ceremonies.

Monday, November 02, 2020 08:08

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