Imam Khomeini and Islamic Awakening Conference in Sweden

Imam Khomeini and Islamic Awakening Conference in Sweden

In occasion of the anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s heavenly departure a conference entitled ‘Imam Khomeini and Islamic Awakening’ was held in Stockholm, Sweden.

Friday, June 08, 2012 02:37

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The Righteous Should Free the Society from Cultural and Economic Oppression

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini among millions of Imam Khomeini’s lovers:

The Righteous Should Free the Society from Cultural and Economic Oppression

Today, June 3rd, is the anniversary of Imam’s demise, Imam isn’t among us now, but with no doubts Abraham’s pray was true about him. God put Imam among the righteous. He gave him wisdom and government and made his name known good and made his message continuance among next generations.

Sunday, June 03, 2012 02:07

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 Imam Revived Islam throughout the World

Tehran’s Mayor:

Imam Revived Islam throughout the World

Tehran’s Mayor: “At a time that Iran had no identity in the world, Imam Khomeini appeared and revived Islam throughout the world.”

Friday, June 01, 2012 01:02

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Visits to Places Related to the Imam during Recent Days

Visits to Places Related to the Imam during Recent Days

A number of commanders and staff of the ground forces of the IRI Army visited the Jamaran Husseiniah and honored the name and memories of the revolution’s great founder and renewed their allegiance with the aspirations of Imam.

Monday, May 28, 2012 12:50

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Imam Khomeini Was Against Injustice and Oppression

The Muslim Representative of Senegal:

Imam Khomeini Was Against Injustice and Oppression

The representatives of Syria, Senegal, Venezuela and Bahrain talked about the impact of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the advices of Imam Khomeini on the recent raising of the world’s Muslim at the Al-ghadir hall of Zanjan University.

Saturday, May 26, 2012 11:25

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The Islamic revolution is the source of Islamic awakening and anti-imperialism revolutions

deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood Council of Afghanistan

The Islamic revolution is the source of Islamic awakening and anti-imperialism revolutions

The goals, ideas and thoughts of the founder of Islamic republic of Iran, are a unique model for the Muslims so they could reach to the greatest level of mankind.

Saturday, February 11, 2012 11:14

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``Your message has deep concerns about the fate of mankind``

Gorbachev’s response to Imam Khomeini:

''Your message has deep concerns about the fate of mankind''

On January 4th 1989 Imam Khomeini’s message was delivered to Gorbachev by his selected delegations who were Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Mohammad Javad Larijani and Mrs. Marzieh Hadidehchi Dabbaq. Eight weeks later Gorbachev delivered his response to Imam Khomeini by the then Soviet foreign minister, Edward Shevardnadze in Tehran. Gorbachev saw a great value to Imam’s message in his response, but it was clear that he had not understood the spiritual dimensions of Imam’s message. Because he had first tried to describe his activities for promoting political freedom in the Soviet Union and then he had described the achievements of a communist economic from 1917 till now. In the meeting between Eduard Shevardnadze, those days Soviet foreign minister, and Imam Khomeini, Ali Akbar Velayati, those days Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Larijani, deputy of the foreign minister and a member of the delegation, and Alireza Nobari, then the Iranian ambassador to the Soviet Union were also present.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012 08:54

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The Master of Martyrs (as) has kept Islam alive

Imam Hussein (as) & his revival of Islam

The Master of Martyrs (as) has kept Islam alive

Imam Hussein (as), the Master of Martyrs, fought against oppression and tyranny and gave everything he had, his children, his family and himself in order to save Islam. Imam Hussein’s (as) movement was able to destroy a dynasty. The reason we cry for Imam Hussein (as) and hold mourning sessions, which we were told to do by Imam al-Sadiq (as), is not only because the tragedies of Imam Hussein (as) truly breaks our hearts and fills us with sorrow but it is to continue his uprising against oppression and tyranny.

Monday, December 26, 2011 03:06

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