In the Carter administration he was one of the U.S. foreign policy advisors but he did not have an official post. And when the coup against Mossadeq took place he was also an employee of the U.S. embassy in Iran and now having an earlier appointment and he had gotten that from Dr. Yazdi he had come to see Imam.
Thursday, July 04, 2019 09:34
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Saudi Arabia is responsible for the safety of this year's Hajj Islamic pilgrimage and must guarantee that all pilgrims will be treated with respect.
Wednesday, July 03, 2019 02:43
The reason behind the difference and opposition of the performance and requirements of the two political systems has to do with the difference in the idea of modern government and the idea of government with respect to Imam Khomeini’s political thought.
Friday, June 14, 2019 02:10
One of the main bases of that new system is people's vote. His Eminence Imam Khomeini as the main and the one who has theorized and has been the ideologue of the Islamic republic system has had a taintless and from all aspects has supported the pillar of republicanism of the system emphasizing the views of the people and that subject is seen vividly in different cross sections of the 33 years of the Islamic revolution during the time of his leadership and even his rightful successor. And that is one of the decisive answers to those who claim and they have to do with the world new democratic systems and they have consistently accused the Islamic republic system of being one dimensional and they call it reactionary, petrified or dictatorial.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019 12:12
Monday, June 03, 2019 06:49
The victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini had been an unprecedented and matchless event of the contemporary era, which left lasting impression on the globe from various perspectives.
Monday, June 03, 2019 12:33
Despite all responsibilities, Imam Khomeini knew welfare of each individual and person and well-aware of what was happening around.
Sunday, June 02, 2019 10:30
Imam Khomeini, who himself was a distinguished Islamic scholar, proved through establishment of a democratic Islamic system that Islam can fulfill both the material and spiritual demands of the human beings.
Saturday, June 01, 2019 10:33