Imam Khomeini kept balance in handling his responsibilities while undertaking official duties

Imam Khomeini kept balance in handling his responsibilities while undertaking official duties

Imam Khomeini had observed and kept a balance in handling his responsibilities while undertaking struggle for the Islamic Revolution and after becoming the leader of the Islamic Republic.

Sunday, August 04, 2019 09:46

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Imam Khomeini boosted family foundations, built strong society

Imam Khomeini boosted family foundations, built strong society

The leader of contemporary Muslim world had attached great significance to foundation of family and built a strong society on basis of Islamic and divine values in contemporary era.

Sunday, July 28, 2019 09:50

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An examination of the relationship between religious jurisprudence and morality using an approach regarding the view of his excellency Imam Khomeini

An examination of the relationship between religious jurisprudence and morality using an approach ...

Imam Khomeini though accepting the appearance science of jurisprudence like Shazali in opposition to Ghazali believes that not considering the appearance and only going after the inside with respect to excursion and behavior is not enough and believes that as religious jurisprudence has also expressed appearance ceremonies should also be observed.

Sunday, July 21, 2019 03:03

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A comparative study of the idea of government regarding Imam Khomeini’s political thought and the modern idea of government

A comparative study of the idea of government regarding Imam Khomeini’s political thought and the ...

The reason behind the difference and opposition of the performance and requirements of the two political systems has to do with the difference in the idea of modern government and the idea of government with respect to Imam Khomeini’s political thought.

Friday, June 14, 2019 02:10

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