Imam Khomeini`s divine leadership revived Ashura uprising and Hosseini`s school of thought

Imam Khomeini's divine leadership revived Ashura uprising and Hosseini's school of thought

Imam Khomeini from the onset of the Islamic movement stressed the need of holding spiritual and mourning gatherings in remembrance of Imam Hossein (‘a) especially in months of Muharram and Safar as a mean for the growth and expansion of the Islamic revolution.

Saturday, August 06, 2022 12:46

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The Necessity of Islamic Government in Modern Day from Imam Khomeini’s perspective Kobra Lashkari.

The Necessity of Islamic Government in Modern Day from Imam Khomeini’s perspective Kobra Lashkari.

In Imam Khomeini’s opinion, if a person is the most knowledgeable in Religion Science, but fails to recognize the expedient of society or generally lacks in insight the social and political context and in decision making power, this person is not Mujtahid in social and governance issues and cannot take the reigns of the community.

Tuesday, April 05, 2022 10:47

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Imam Khomeini`s Foreign Policy: Conceptual Framework, Perspectives and Challenges.

Imam Khomeini's Foreign Policy: Conceptual Framework, Perspectives and Challenges.

Imam Khomeini, stating this important theory that "the source of conflicts and disagreements is selfishness, and yet peace will be an unreachable wish of humanity", had firm belief in the fundamental ethics, accountability and realist idealism in the foreign policy. By understanding all of the above components, one can inquire into the depth of Imam Khomeini's thought in drawing up a road map for peaceful coexistence despite the belief in the establishment of a divine sovereignty, mutual respect for the sovereignty of the countries.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 10:36

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Educational dimensions of Imam Khomeini`s thought in building social capital

Educational dimensions of Imam Khomeini's thought in building social capital

In achieving the goals of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini has paid special attention to the people and public mobilization based on Islamic education. Therefore, research on social capital from the perspective of Imam Khomeini's educational thought has valuable points that are based on can He realized the specific features of Imam Khomeini's educational thought in this field.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 06:19

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Essential components of cultural evolution from the perspective of Imam Khomeini with emphasis on national and indigenous values

Essential components of cultural evolution from the perspective of Imam Khomeini with emphasis on ...

From Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint, the ultimate goal is the development of a society in which human beings should be able to be flourished. And all the problems of society are due to the backwardness of human beings.

Saturday, March 27, 2021 07:03

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The Ten-Day Dawn celebrations kicked off across Iran and elsewhere in world

The Ten-Day Dawn celebrations kicked off across Iran and elsewhere in world

The annual festivities started on Sunday morning, commemorating the moment the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, disembarked from an Air France jumbo jet to a massive welcome back home, ending his exile in Paris.

Monday, February 01, 2021 12:04

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